I am ProChoice!

This can't be!!! The Jesus freak, Bible thumper, rightwing wacko, anti-feminist (these are just a few of the names people have called me over the years - I wear the labels with absolute pride) cannot be ProChoice! Oh, but I am! I believe that a woman should have the complete control over body! I just think that that choice takes place long before conception occurs which I believe is when life begins (don't bother telling me when the ProChoice doctors say when life begins - I listen to God on this one - a proud Jesus freak, remember?)! Somewhere along the way, our society has confused needs and wants. Sexual gratification is not a need. It is a want. If you do want to have sex, there are a multitude of ways of doing it so that a life is not conceived (of course, as your resident Bible thumper, I would prefer that it occurs in a marriage)! Women have the control to abstain or use birth control! Choice! By the time we have got...