
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Year Without Christmas...

First off, let me begin by saying that I know Christmas begins and ends with Jesus.  We are a good Lutheran family, so I get it.  The title of this post is meant in jest!  All right, now let's get to it! Our year without Christmas started on August 27, 2016 (yes, it is this year).  We went to the wedding of some good family friends an hour and a half from our home.  At the time, we had a one year and one day old Old English Sheepdog named Franklin Bigglesworth.  We knew we would be there most of the day.  Franklin was normally kenneled when we left but thought it would be nicer to leave him in the master bathroom so he could have a little more room.  Oh yes!  You can guess what happened next!  The puppy who had never jumped on the counters did just that, knocking the marble soap dispenser into the sink plugging the drain and turning on the faucet!  WE WERE GONE FOR 10 HOURS!!!   The damage: Bathroom floor = destr...


Life is a little bit...ok, a lot...crazy!  In this blog, you will find the odds and ends of our lives through my eyes. A little about us... My husband, Jared, is a senior account representative for a global company. He is basically a weekend visitor in our home. Jared is full of life and over the top in every way possible. Our home is much too quiet and a little boring when he is away!!!  I am a stay-at-home mom, a position that feels quite antiquated in today's society. I tend to volunteer way too much at the cost of my family. I am working on that!  This year is all about them!  I love good books, cooking, sewing, crafting, and photography! Jake, the awkward teenager, is a sophomore in high school. He is just a great kid, a little lazy, but a great kid nonetheless!  He is a Life Scout working toward his Eagle!   He loves cars. Jake knows everything about them. The rest of us can't keep up. He always has a joke and kind word for every...