2020 has been the year of FEAR! The kind of FEAR that hangs over your head like a heavy rain cloud. It's there everywhere you go. Turn to the right, there it is. Turn to the left, it's still there. Try out running it, it is faster, and it has no problem catching up to you. Just when we get through the worse, some new FEAR emerges. How do we live in a constant state of FEAR? The media is almost insistent on it. The the top doctors in the nation, the CDC, the WHO, the citizens, the police, and the politicians on both sides of the aisle are all asking this of us. How do we lessen it? How do we keep it from devouring us? What do we do with it? How do we channel it? Ain't this the truth? The year started off by our president, Donald Trump, making the call to assassinate one of the most evil people alive, Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Most of us would consider this a great thing, but tha...